Boa constrictor imperator

| Boa c. i. | Boa c. imperator information| purebred Boa c. imperator | Boa imperator |  Imperator Boa information | true Boa c. imperator | information on Boa c. imperator| size of boa c. imperator | length of boa c. imperator | common boa information |

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The subdivision of purebred Boa c. imperator in distribution areas is still not complete. We will try to complete it as time passes. We have published this in order to prove how different in appearance of Boa c. imperator in the individual countries is and that breeding of imperator boas from different distribution areas to one another is nothing less than crossbreeding.


Common name of Boa c. imperator: ‘Imperator boa; Common boa’

Distribution area: Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Peru.

Estimated average length of mature Boa c. imperator females: Cannot be made, considering the enormous variability of the specimens found in this species’ distribution area.

Taxonomic status: Subspecies recognized by the CITES convention.


Dorsal scale rows (= dorsalia)

Ventral scale rows (= ventralia)

Subcaudal shields

(= subcaudalia)

Number of saddle patches

Extension of the Hemipenes as measured by subcaudals


61 – 79 (BOULENGER, 1893)

56 – 76 (LANGHAMMER, 1983)



225 – 252 (BOULENGER, 1893)

235 – 253 (STULL, 1932)


47 – 65



22 - 30 (LANGHAMMER, 1983)



23 (PRICE & RUSSO, 1991)


Next to Boa c. constrictor, the ‘imperator boas’ inhabit the most extensive range colonized by any Boa constrictor. Their variability, however, even exceeds that of the red-tailed boas.

A person specialized in keeping the individual forms of Boa c. imperator could build up a noteworthy collection of morphologically different animals even if he kept just one specimen of each variety.

We know various keepers of Boa constrictor who deliberately limit themselves to keeping Boa c. imperator because these animals are less demanding and hardier than Boa c. constrictor, Boa c. amarali or Boa c. occidentalis.

Considering the enormous variability of imperator boas, any keeper is likely to find animals for his or her taste - either Hog Island boas for lovers of pale animals, or dark specimens from Sonora for those who prefer gloomy hues.  Herpetoculturists fond of small giant snakes will strike gold in imperator boas, as will those who like specimens reaching somewhat greater lengths.



   Boa c. imperator

        Costa Rica



Boa c. imperator is smaller than Boa c. constrictor (exception: the Colombian imperators). The common boa has an essentially higher number of middorsal blotches (up to 30) than Boa c. constrictor.

The imperators from Colombia were the first Boa constrictor subspecies imported in a large number to Germany in the mid 60s. Their robust constitution and calm temper make these boas the ideal snakes for the beginner.


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